Empower your Operations
Telecom Networks are fragmented: multi-vendor, multi-layered, multi-technology and multi-services. An accurate, end-2-end operational inventory can streamline your operations. Networkmining probes your network, and builds the most accurate representation of your network based on discovered information instead of human-input.
Discover how Networkmining empowers your Operations: service planning and design, service assurance, root-cause analysis, single-point-of-failure, capacity management and more.
The Power of Networkmining
By probing your network and connecting datasources, Networkmining discovers the “single version of truth”.
From physical fiber, 5G, MPLS, IP, SDH, PDH, VPN to customer information.
Our out-of-the-box probes are unparalled in quality: no data can be more accurate than discovering what’s in the field.
Model & Understand
Discovered information is used to build a digital model of your network. The data is accessible for your teams and developers to integrate in your OSS/BSS eco-system.
Powerful visualisations of your network enable a deeper understanding of “what’s in your network”. Geoschematical, logical, front-panel of devices, … can support your teams.
Higher up-time and reliability
Discover single-point-of-failures
Accelerate root-cause analysis by correlating alarm information.
Connect logical/active to physical/passive inventory.
Predict impacted redundancy and/or customers when planning maintenance/upgrades.
Reduce time to repair.
A powerful API and open datamodel allow your teams to use the accurate inventory for other solutions, processes and teams.
Accurate inventory is the first step towards automation and orchestration. Networkmining provides this building block to empower your future.

Probe your network
Networkmining probes your network to build a unified end-2-end view on your network accross the physical, logical, virtual domain and services. The Networkmining repository is based on ITU-T G.805 model.
Out-of-the-box probes exist for devices (ABB, Ciena, Huawei, Infinera, Juniper, Nokia, OpenIdea, … ), Physical Network Inventory solutions (Marlin GIS, ConnectMaster, Cocon, …) and ERP solutions (Salesforce, SAP, …). Integration through REST, API, SQL, SNMP, SOAP, XML and more.
The result of the Networkmining Probing is the highest data quality inventory solution which enables a realm of operational benefits. The NM-repository is continuously updated for maximum data quality.
logical, geoschematical, topological views
View your network as never before
The Networkmining probing has a quick implementation, as it relies on discovered data. The result of an accurate repository is a better understanding of your network. Networkmining offers various visualisations and reports of your data.
Networkmining offers full search, query, inspect, design and documentation capabilities. The representation of your assets and services are diverse and enable your teams to view and understand your network.
Front-panel views of devices can be simulated for accurate workorders to your engineers in the field. Map your network connections geoschematically for maximum clarity. Dive deeper in your multilayered network with logical views.

Full OSS lifecycle support
Full OSS support
The accurate Networkmining inventory is the foundation to streamline your operations. A modular approach supports your growth in operational excellence.
Root-Cause-Analysis, Incident Simulation, Capacity Management, Service Fullfilment, Service Assurance, Network Planning & Design, Reconciliation, …
The open architecture and powerful API enable a full integration of Networkmining in your software eco-system to support more complex workflows as automation, orchestration, … and empower your team to excel in their operations.
20 years of experience
Our Customers
TIER 1 & 2
National and regional telecom network operators from thousands to millions of subscribers.
They have several teams managing parts of their network (access & transport, wired & wireless, …).
Sales needs a quick check for broadband capacity for new customers, teams are working on the network and impacting customers and/or redundancy, alarms in the NOC need to be correlated to find the root-cause.
Railway operators or transport providers need very reliable and redunant connectivity and often rely on legacy solutions like SDH and PDH in combination with fiber.
Spreadsheets and Diagrams document the network but changes are rarely documented.
By discovering this complex network, your teams can better plan maintenance works without impacting the reliability.
Backbone providers for national, international and intercontinental networks with high-capacity and high-reliability networks.
Discovering the network, analysing capacity and usage, enables better decision making for future investments.
Marlin Digital Twin solutions
Networkmining is Unique
Networkmining inventory relies on self-discovery and reconciliation to ensure highest possible data-quality of your inventory.
The continuous probing will discover discrepancies and guides your users in the reconciliation process to further increase data quality.
Correlate Physical & Active
Networkmining inventory can consume physical network inventory solutions for the geopgraphical representation of passive infrastructure.
Marlin GIS and Networkmining are built by the same team and this offers a unique integration to correlate physical & active network inventory.
Fast Implementation
Probing your network can start fast with out-of-the-box probes. Visualizing and browsing your inventory introduces a great benefit in accuracy.
At your own pace, new modules can be activated to further improve your operations – guided and supported by the Networkmining Customer Success team.
Built for Telecom and GIS Experts
MarlinDT Solutions are created by a team with years of experience in Utitlity Networks, GIS and Telecommunications. Our frustration with the available solutions led to the development of our own next-generation inventory solution. We stay strongly connected to our customers and continue in our vision for better networks, efficient operations all around the world.
our software values
Next Generation Architecture
MarlinDT Solutions are easily scalable in complex enterprise environments. Our customers love that we are the inverse of a black box: you can have access to (y)our data, the datamodel is flexible, a powerful API enables your teams to fully integrate into your OSS/BSS eco-system.
Next Generation Telecom Inventory deserves a Next Generation Software Architecture!

Responsive Solution

Full Customization

World Class Support

3rd Party Support

Open Architecture

Enterprise Versioning


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