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Address: Merkator nv/sa, Vliegwezenlaan 48, 1731 Zellik – Belgium
BTW/TVA: BE0839.944.576
Frequently Asked Questions
MarlinDT and Networkmining?
MarlinDT or Marlin Digital Twin consists of two solutions to manage and operate telecommunication networks.
(1) Networkmining focuses on operational inventory of your active/logical network.
(2) Marlin GIS focuses on geospatial inventory of your passive/physical network.
The two solutions offer the first true Telecom Digital Twin, by bridging the active & passive inventories. This combination enables a unique solution to empower the telecommuniation operator.
The MarlinDT solutions are modular.
Networkmining will be implemented in a phased approach, to avoid any “big-bang” stress for your organisation.
First, the Probes will be deployed, and we need your Network Architects to completely understand your network. As soon as the full network is captured, the modules can be activated, trained and used to support your organisation.
We provide remote and on-site training and support.
Desktop or Web? Cloud or local?
Networkmining runs on your or our servers.
An intuitive web-client enables your team to use the platform.
A strong API enables other application to further consume the data. The datamodel is open to encourage your developers to further use your data.
Networkmining Probes are needed to discover and build your network in the ITU-T G.805 datamodel.
The Simulation Engine and API consume this information for various use-cases like Root-Cause Analysis, Incident Simulation, Capacity Management, and more.
Typical customers start with a small set of modules and upgrade later, when their teams are ready.